November meeting program: “Pruning Magic” presented by Alan Haywood.
Photo of flower arrangement with Gail Ballinger and Gail Holmstrom.
Photos from “Fall Frolic” Small Standard Show.
Photo of Native Garden Workday Crew at BBG.
Photo of workday at Issaquah Historical Museum.
Things to Do in November.
Rosemary-Infused Whipped Cream recipe .
November meeting program: “Fall Frolic” A Small Standard Flower Show.
Mexican Salad recipe .
How to Clean your tools.
Principles of Design Glossary.
May meeting program: “Nature Into Art” A Small Standard Flower Show.
Final report on IGC and the IRS.
Orange Cranberry Coffee Cake-ettes – recipe
Flea Market Gardening.
December meeting program: Japanese Floral Art Workshop.
Photos and report of the IGC’s 85th Anniversary Celebration.
Historical Devil Food Cake recipe .
Photo and report of the WSFGC Holiday Show “Winter Dreaming”
Kitchen Garden Seed website.
Photo of Junior Gardeners- Girl Scout Club.
December meeting program: “Drought-tolerant plants” presented by Michael Aquilar.
Photos from the WSFGC Holiday Show “Celebrate”
Photo of Karen Lee’s award-winning necklace from the 2012 Holiday show.
Food service at the Manor- green recycling.
October meeting program: “Growing Our World; Greening Our Communities” video produced by the National Garden Club and presented by June Ann Hassebroek. In Addition, a “hands-on” project, planting color bowls (bulbs) lead by Dianne Tanner.
New Ravine bridge at Bellevue Botanical Garden.
Photo of past and present officers at the WSFGC Convention.
Photos of arrangements made for an unjudged flower show commemorating Betty Zink.
Pomegranate Apricot Chicken recipe
September meeting program: “Wonderful Plants for Winter Color and Interest” presented by Susie Egan.
Garage Sale report by Michele Peltonen.
Photos and report of “Summer on the Move” Flower Show.
In Loving Memory of Betty Zink.
IGC’s Issaquah History Museum project.
November meeting program: “Rain garden design” presented by Nancy Claire Guth.
Photos of floral designs for the ELWD Flower Show 9/26/2011.
Horticulture Displays using pumpkins.
Over-wintering Geraniums.
Corn Chowder and Pumpkin Bisque recipes .
Camassia, native plant review.
Special Event- Small, non-judged flower show “World Travels: Flowers of Peace and Joy”.
Presentation by Nam Kim on his style of Korean flower arranging.
Photos of Agnes Schmoe, June Willard and Joanne Dinken receiving certificates from ELWD for their years as garden club members.
WSFGC awards achieved by IGC members and photo of Karen Lee’s winning dried hydrangea necklace.
Things to do in October.
Tool care Tips.
December Holiday meeting program: “Hands-on project making a candle centerpiece” lead by June Willard.
Work at Bentsen Park.
Photos and Awards from WSFGC Holiday Flower Show “Holiday Artistry”
Salmon Chowder recipe.
Garden chores in December.
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